Task manager for small companies

A simple, clean interface, but at the same time plenty of functionality in the areas where it is needed.

Multi-company operation

Assignment and follow-up of tasks at the same time, even for several companies.

Flexible roles and access rights

Define precisely and simply who can access what in the system and what changes can be made.

Integration of subcontractors and partners

Involve your partners, subcontractors, and customers in the tasks of your business.

Flexible delegation

Decide who will be responsible for each task and who will be notified of developments.

Intuitive interface

The clean user interface of SAMETASK can be used immediately and does not require any serious training.

Use within minutes

Only one registration is required and you can use SAMETASK immediately.

Useful auxiliary functions

Tagging, comments, task history, repetition, subtasks and many other functions that support daily work.

Free for small companies

Small businesses with less than 4 employees can use SAMETASK for free.

Data protection is our priority

Your data is protected by a robust architecture and professional operation.

Flexible task management

Repetitive tasks, deadlines, reminders and sub-tasks help you in your work.

Simply from the cloud

SAMETASK can be used immediately from anywhere, as it only requires an internet connection and a browser, there is no need to install or set up a program.

Anywhere anytime

Our system is accessible from anywhere 24 hours a day, all you need is an internet connection: forget about your local network or VPN!

No installation

There is no need to install or configure any software, just a browser to use SAMETASK.

Flexible access

You can access our web-based system not only with a computer, but also with a tablet.

Safe and robust

Our system is based on secure and robust technology, while the security of data traveling on the Internet is protected by encryption.